
Providing initial values to an Elm app

Elm is a functional programming language that runs in the browser, and using it is the most fun I’ve had programming in years.

Recently I was trying to figure out how to provide initial values to an application, and was doing horrible things with signals and ports. However, Elm already provides a way to pass values from JavaScript to Elm when the app starts.

To embed an Elm app on the page, you call Elm.embed (or Elm.fullscreen if you aren’t embedding the app inside a div, or Elm.worker if you don’t want it to render UI at all). The docs claim that Elm.embed takes two arguments: the Elm app you want to embed, and a DOM node to embed it in.

As of Elm 0.16, Elm.embed actually takes three arguments. The third argument is an map of keys to initial values. If you create ports in Elm that match the keys you provided to the object, you can pull in these initial values in to your Elm app. Here is an example to make this more clear.

In the JavaScript, just pass in an object to Elm.embed:

import Elm from './src/Main.elm'

const container = document.querySelector('.app')
const elmApp = Elm.embed(Elm.Main, container, {getStartTime: Date.now()})

In the Elm side, make a port to handle it:

import Graphics.Element exposing (show)
import Time exposing (Time)

main = show model

model : Time
model = getStartTime

-- This port will have the value we passed to Elm.embed
port getStartTime : Time