
Browser Code Sharing Is Terribad

node.js has the best package management and code sharing I have ever used. npm is amazing. Coming from Ruby, which needs RubyGems, Bundler, and RVM (all of which are great, don’t get me wrong) to sanely manage dependencies across multiple projects, npm gets everything right.

This post isn’t about things that are awesome and sane and right. It is about something that is painful and terrible and wrong. Sharing code for the browser sucks. Its suckiness is even worse because sharing code in node is so good. It is fluffy unicorns good to the flaming rabid human-sized ant-monsters bad of the browser.

Who Cares?

What you make easy affects what people do. Sure, sharing browser code is possible, but how many browser libraries have died inside a project directory because the author couldn’t do something as simple as npm publish . to share them?

Bad client-side code charing also encourages reinventing the wheel. If the barrier to using someone else’s code is high enough, you are more likely to shrug your shoulders and bang out the code yourself.

No Browser Code Sharing

The most common way of sharing code for the browser is to not share code for the browser. Since it is hard, people don’t do it. They write code to solve specific problems in their projects, deploy it, and never make it available to themselves in future projects or to others solving similar problems.

Bad Browser Code Sharing

Okay, try to imagine a bad way to share code in the browser. Now run it over with a tractor and poke some swimming-pool-sized security holes in it. You have arrived at the most common way of sharing code, which is to hard-code urls to 3rd-party websites in your HTML. If that doesn’t sound insane to you, repeat it again. Want to use jQuery in your app? Throw in a <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script> and hope they never get hacked or go down or have network problems. You never want your app to break because of someone else’s problems.

Some people use GitHub as their own personal CDN, which is sketchy at best. Linking to a GitHub repo has all of the same drawback as linking to code.jquery.com, but will also get you rate-limited.

Dependencies are bad. Dependencies that depend on third-party services to obtain are terribad.

More Bad Browser Code Sharing

How about you just download the code you want to share from somewhere and serve it up locally? That way you control everything. No security problems, no need to update URLs, no worries that 4chan will hack the third-party site to replace the script with one that loads pictures of . . . unpleasant things.


What happens when you want to update a dependency? You search the internet for where it is hosted, download it, and copy it in to your public directory for your app. What happens when you want to update twenty dependencies, or, more likely, the same dependency across twenty projects? Congratulations, you have just been demoted from software engineer to data entry technician. Manually downloading code turns you in to a human dependency resolver.

The Holy Grail of Browser Code Sharing

My ideal tool for browser code sharing looks like this:

  • A way to explicitly specify dependencies in a file that is human-readable, like a packge.json file.
  • One command to run that downloads all the external dependencies automatically from some central location. I want to type awesomesauce install and have everything done for me.
  • The ability to run in development mode so each js file is loaded separately. This eliminates an extra build step and saves lots of headache in development.
  • The ability to concatenate and minify all code and dependencies in to one file for production.
  • Some kind of plugin architecture to support code that uses AMD, CommonJS, and nothing at all, since we still haven’t agreed on a module syntax.

Ideally this tool would use npm somehow, since it already has a standard package metadata format and thousands of modules that can run in the browser. It would suck to have to publish to two places if you were developing platform-agnostic code.

Bright Shining Lights of Browser Code Sharing

Browser code sharing sucks, but some people are trying to make it better. I have varying opinions on these tools, but all of them are at least pushing the idea of easily reusable client-side code.

  • Jam - npm-like thing for AMD code.
  • Volo - build tool that includes commands to add libraries, sortof
  • Browserify - CommonJS-style requires, some node APIs work in the browser
  • Onejs - CommonJS-style requires, node libraries in browser
  • Pakmanager - more common-js requires

How do you feel about client-side code sharing? Do you know of any better solutions? Tell me on Twitter at @jamison_dance or in the comments.